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  1. Reliable and valid written tests of higher cognitive function are difficult to produce, particularly for the assessment of clinical problem solving. Modified Essay Questions (MEQs) are often used to assess the...

    Authors: Edward J Palmer and Peter G Devitt
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:49
  2. Over the last years key stake holders in the healthcare sector have increasingly recognised evidence based medicine (EBM) as a means to improving the quality of healthcare. However, there is considerable uncer...

    Authors: Sjors FPJ Coppus, Jose I Emparanza, Julie Hadley, Regina Kulier, Susanne Weinbrenner, Theodoros N Arvanitis, Amanda Burls, Juan B Cabello, Tamas Decsi, Andrea R Horvath, Marcin Kaczor, Gianni Zanrei, Karin Pierer, Katarzyna Stawiarz, Regina Kunz, Ben WJ Mol…
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:46
  3. An integrated sense of professionalism enables health professionals to draw on relevant knowledge in context and to apply a set of professional responsibilities and ethical principles in the midst of changing ...

    Authors: Lorna Olckers, Trevor J Gibbs and Madeleine Duncan
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:45
  4. In this study, we wanted to investigate the relationship between background variables, communication skills, and the bio-psychosocial content of a medical consultation in a general practice setting with a stan...

    Authors: Tore Gude, Per Vaglum, Tor Anvik, Anders Baerheim, Hilde Eide, Ole B Fasmer, Peter Graugaard, Hilde Grimstad, Per Hjortdahl, Are Holen, Tone Nordoy, Helge Skirbekk and Arnstein Finset
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:43
  5. To manage the voluminous formal curriculum content in a limited amount of structured teaching time, we describe the development and evaluation of a curriculum map for academic half days (AHD) in a core interna...

    Authors: Roger Y Wong and J Mark Roberts
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:42
  6. Respiratory disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality not only in the United Kingdom, but globally. A good understanding of respiratory disease and its treatment is essential for all medical graduate...

    Authors: Susan F Smith, Nicola J Roberts and Martyn R Partridge
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:41
  7. Optimal training required for proficiency in bedside ultrasound is unknown. In addition, the value of proctored training is often assumed but has never been quantified.

    Authors: Vicki E Noble, Bret P Nelson, A Nicholas Sutingco, Keith A Marill and Hilarie Cranmer
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:40
  8. With rapid advances in functional imaging methods, human studies that feature functional neuroimaging techniques are increasing exponentially and have opened a vast arena of new possibilities for understanding...

    Authors: Daniel J Kelley and Sterling C Johnson
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:39
  9. A survey of newly qualified doctors in the UK in 2000/2001 found that 42% of them felt unprepared for their first year of employment in clinical posts. We report on how UK qualifiers' preparedness has changed ...

    Authors: Judith Cave, Michael Goldacre, Trevor Lambert, Kath Woolf, Alison Jones and Jane Dacre
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:38
  10. The efficacy of academic detailing in changing physicians' knowledge and practice has been the subject of many primary research publications and systematic reviews. However, there is little written about the f...

    Authors: Michael Allen, Suzanne Ferrier, Nicolette O'Connor and Isobel Fleming
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:36
  11. Communication training builds on the assumption that understanding of the concepts related to professional communication facilitates the training. We know little about whether students' knowledge of clinical c...

    Authors: Anders Baerheim, Per Hjortdahl, Are Holen, Tor Anvik, Ole Bernt Fasmer, Hilde Grimstad, Tore Gude, Terje Risberg and Per Vaglum
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:35
  12. Residents play an important role in teaching of medical undergraduate students. Despite their importance in teaching undergraduates they are not involved in any formal training in teaching and leadership skill...

    Authors: Wasim Jafri, Khalid Mumtaz, William P Burdick, Page S Morahan, Rosslynne Freeman and Tabassum Zehra
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:34
  13. Podcasting is currently a popular means of delivery of information with a large number of podcasts specifically tailored for educational purposes. It can be argued that the passive nature of this teaching meth...

    Authors: Edward J Palmer and Peter G Devitt
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:32
  14. Little research addresses how medical students develop their choice of specialty training in Japan. The purpose of this research was to elucidate factors considered by Japanese medical students when formulatin...

    Authors: Priya Saigal, Yousuke Takemura, Takashi Nishiue and Michael D Fetters
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:31
  15. Different teaching-learning methods have been used in teaching endocrine physiology for the medical students, so as to increase their interest and enhance their learning. This paper describes the pros and cons...

    Authors: Solomon Sathishkumar, Nihal Thomas, Elizabeth Tharion, Nithya Neelakantan and Rashmi Vyas
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:30
  16. Several studies during the last decades have shown that answer changing in multiple choice examinations is generally beneficial for examinees. In spite of this the common misbelief still prevails that answer c...

    Authors: Daniel Bauer, Veronika Kopp and Martin R Fischer
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:28
  17. The value of ethics education have been questioned. Therefore we did a student survey on attitudes about the teaching of ethics in Swedish medical schools.

    Authors: Hans O Thulesius, Karl Sallin, Niels Lynoe and Rurik Löfmark
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:27
  18. In recent years there has been a growing appreciation of the issues of quality of life and stresses involved medical training as this may affect their learning and academic performance. However, such studies a...

    Authors: Chandrashekhar T Sreeramareddy, Pathiyil R Shankar, VS Binu, Chiranjoy Mukhopadhyay, Biswabina Ray and Ritesh G Menezes
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:26
  19. Empathy is frequently cited as an important attribute in physicians and some groups have expressed a desire to measure empathy either at selection for medical school or during medical (or postgraduate) trainin...

    Authors: Joanne M Hemmerdinger, Samuel DR Stoddart and Richard J Lilford
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:24
  20. At postgraduate level evidence based medicine (EBM) is currently taught through tutor based lectures. Computer based sessions fit around doctors' workloads, and standardise the quality of educational provision...

    Authors: James Davis, Evi Chryssafidou, Javier Zamora, David Davies, Khalid Khan and Arri Coomarasamy
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:23
  21. Evidence suggests that attendance at medical grand rounds at academic medical centers is waning. The present study examined whether attendance at medical grand rounds increased after providing complimentary fo...

    Authors: Colin M Segovis, Paul S Mueller, Melissa L Rethlefsen, Nicholas F LaRusso, Scott C Litin, Ayalew Tefferi and Thomas M Habermann
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:22
  22. Development of students' teaching skills is increasingly recognised as an important component of UK undergraduate medical curricula and, in consequence, there is renewed interest in the potential benefits of c...

    Authors: Sharon Buckley and Javier Zamora
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:20
  23. In developing countries the ability to conduct locally-relevant health research and high quality education are key tools in the fight against poverty. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effectivene...

    Authors: Imelda Bates, Daniel Ansong, George Bedu-Addo, Tsiri Agbenyega, Alex Yaw Osei Akoto, Anthony Nsiah-Asare and Patrick Karikari
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:18
  24. Although General Practice (GP) was recognized as a medical specialty in Greece in 1986, the number of GPs is insufficient to cover needs and only few medical graduates choose GP as a career option. In the pres...

    Authors: Anargiros Mariolis, Constantinos Mihas, Alevizos Alevizos, Vasilis Gizlis, Theodoros Mariolis, Konstantinos Marayiannis, Yiannis Tountas, Christodoulos Stefanadis, Anastas Philalithis and George Creatsas
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:15
  25. Little research has been conducted to investigate role stress experienced by faculty members in medical schools in developing countries. This becomes even more important when the process of reform in medical e...

    Authors: Soleiman Ahmady, Tahereh Changiz, Italo Masiello and Mats Brommels
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:14
  26. We undertook a needs assessment exercise using questionnaire survey of junior doctors' knowledge and beliefs concerning evidence-based medicine (EBM) and critical literature appraisal, as this is a core compet...

    Authors: Julie A Hadley, David Wall and Khalid S Khan
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:11
  27. The stress associated with residency training may place house officers at risk for poorer health. We sought to determine the level of self-reported health among resident physicians and to ascertain factors tha...

    Authors: Michael S Yi, Joseph M Mrus, Caroline V Mueller, Sara E Luckhaupt, Amy H Peterman, Christina M Puchalski and Joel Tsevat
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:9
  28. As more integrative medicine educational content is integrated into conventional family medicine teaching, the need for effective evaluation strategies grows. Through the Integrative Family Medicine program, a...

    Authors: Benjamin Kligler, Mary Koithan, Victoria Maizes, Meg Hayes, Craig Schneider, Patricia Lebensohn and Susan Hadley
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:7
  29. Mental distress among medical students is often reported. Burnout has not been studied frequently and studies using interviewer-rated diagnoses as outcomes are rarely employed. The objective of this prospectiv...

    Authors: Marie E Dahlin and Bo Runeson
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:6
  30. Portfolio learning enables students to collect evidence of their learning. Component tasks making up a portfolio can be devised that relate directly to intended learning outcomes. Reflective tasks can stimulat...

    Authors: Andrew J Grant, Jan D Vermunt, Paul Kinnersley and Helen Houston
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:5
  31. The Communication Skills Attitudes Scale (CSAS) created by Rees, Sheard and Davies and published in 2002 has been a widely used instrument for measuring medical students' attitudes towards learning communicati...

    Authors: Tor Anvik, Tore Gude, Hilde Grimstad, Anders Baerheim, Ole B Fasmer, Per Hjortdahl, Are Holen, Terje Risberg and Per Vaglum
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:4
  32. The main challenge of higher education institutions throughout the world is to develop professionals capable of understanding and responding to the current social priorities of our countries. Given the utmost ...

    Authors: Víctor Manuel Mendoza-Núñez, María de la Luz Martínez-Maldonado and Elsa Correa-Muñoz
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2007 7:1
  33. There is significant and growing national interest for introducing Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) instruction into allopathic medical education. We measured CAM attitudes, use, and information-se...

    Authors: Désirée A Lie and John Boker
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2006 6:58

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