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  1. Recent reforms to the training grades have provoked debate about both quality and quantity of training. The bulk of previous research into this area has been qualitative, and little is known about the quantity...

    Authors: Iain Varley, James Keir and Phillip Fagg
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2006 6:6
  2. Electronic evaluation portfolios may play a role in learning and evaluation in clinical settings and may complement other traditional evaluation methods (bedside evaluations, written exams and tutor-led evalua...

    Authors: Gustavo Duque, Adam Finkelstein, Ayanna Roberts, Diana Tabatabai, Susan L Gold and Laura R Winer
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2006 6:4
  3. Patient-provider relationships in primary care are characterized by greater continuity and depth than in non-primary care specialties. We hypothesized that relationship styles of medical students based on atta...

    Authors: Paul S Ciechanowski, Linda LM Worley, Joan E Russo and Wayne J Katon
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2006 6:3
  4. Internet education is increasingly provided to health professionals, but little is known about the most effective strategies for delivering the content. The purpose of this study is to compare four strategies ...

    Authors: Kathi J Kemper, Paula Gardiner, Jessica Gobble, Ananda Mitra and Charles Woods
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2006 6:2
  5. While Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) skills are increasingly being taught in medical schools, teaching quality has been insufficient, so that incoming pediatric residents lack adequate EBM skills required for p...

    Authors: Eugene Dinkevich, Andrea Markinson, Sama Ahsan and Barbara Lawrence
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2006 6:1
  6. Many health professionals lack the skills to find and appraise published research. This lack of skills and associated knowledge needs to be addressed, and practice habits need to change, for evidence-based pra...

    Authors: Annie McCluskey and Meryl Lovarini
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:40
  7. The influence of intended and informal curricula on examination preparation has not been extensively studied. This study aims to firstly describe how students utilized components of intended and informal curri...

    Authors: K McLaughlin, S Coderre, W Woloschuk, T Lim, D Muruve and H Mandin
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:39
  8. Personal statements and referees' reports are widely used on medical school application forms, particularly in the UK, to assess the suitability of candidates for a career in medicine. However there are few st...

    Authors: IC McManus, Sheeraz Iqbal, Amuthan Chandrarajan, E Ferguson and Joanna Leaviss
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:38
  9. This study concerns the occurrence of various forms of mistreatment by staff and fellow students experienced by students in the Faculty of Medicine and the other four faculties of the University of Oulu, Finland.

    Authors: Arja Rautio, Vappu Sunnari, Matti Nuutinen and Marja Laitala
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:36
  10. In a study to determine the site and preceptor characteristics most valued by clerks and residents in the ambulatory setting we wished to confirm whether these would support effective learning. The deep approa...

    Authors: M Dianne Delva, Karen W Schultz, John R Kirby and Marshall Godwin
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:35
  11. In Finland, public health care is the responsibility of primary health care centres, which render a wide range of community level preventive, curative and rehabilitative medical care. Since 1990's, medical stu...

    Authors: Juhani Miettola, Pekka Mäntyselkä and Tuula Vaskilampi
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:34
  12. The inclusion of family medicine in medical school curricula is essential for producing competent general practitioners. The aim of this study is to evaluate a task-based, community oriented teaching model of ...

    Authors: Samim A Al-Dabbagh Professor and Waleed G Al-Taee Dr
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:31
  13. Previous trials have showed a 10–30% rate of inaccuracies on applications to individual residency programs. No studies have attempted to corroborate this on a national level. Attempts by residency programs to ...

    Authors: Eric D Katz, Lee Shockley, Lawrence Kass, David Howes, Janis P Tupesis, Christopher Weaver, Osman R Sayan, Victoria Hogan, Jason Begue, Diamond Vrocher, Jackie Frazer, Timothy Evans, Gene Hern, Ralph Riviello, Antonio Rivera, Keith Kinoshita…
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:30
  14. Feedback on videotaped consultations is a useful way to enhance consultation skills among medical students. The method is becoming increasingly common, but is still not widely implemented in medical education....

    Authors: Stein Nilsen and Anders Baerheim
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:28
  15. This study was designed to assess the motivations of senior medical clinicians to teach medical students. This understanding could improve the recruitment and retention of important clinical teachers.

    Authors: Jane Dahlstrom, Anna Dorai-Raj, Darryl McGill, Cathy Owen, Kathleen Tymms and D Ashley R Watson
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:27
  16. Electronic voting systems have been used in various educational settings with little measurement of the educational impact on students. The goal of this study was to measure the effects of the inclusion of an ...

    Authors: Edward J Palmer, Peter G Devitt, Neville J De Young and David Morris
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:24
  17. Our institution recently introduced a novel internet accessible computer aided learning (iCAL) programme to complement existing surgical undergraduate teaching methods. On graduation of the first full cycle of...

    Authors: David Gerard Healy, Fergal J Fleming, David Gilhooley, Patrick Felle, Alfred Edward Wood, Thomas Gorey, Enda W McDermott, John M Fitzpatrick, Niall J O'Higgins and Arnold DK Hill
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:23
  18. Earlier studies have successfully demonstrated that medical students can achieve success in core clinical rotations with long term attachments in small groups to rural general / family practices.

    Authors: Stephen A Margolis, Llewellyn M Davies and Valmae Ypinazar
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:22
  19. Despite the critical importance of well-being during residency training, only a few Canadian studies have examined stress in residency and none have examined well-being resources. No recent studies have report...

    Authors: Jordan S Cohen and Scott Patten
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:21
  20. Evidence for the superiority of particular characteristics in PBL tutors in medical curricula is generally inconclusive. Most studies have investigated the effectiveness of content experts compared with that o...

    Authors: Michele Groves, Patricia Régo and Peter O'Rourke
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:20
  21. Few studies have investigated personality and medical school variables in regard to job satisfaction after graduation. It is of great importance to investigate these factors because this information may be use...

    Authors: Kristine Benedictow Finset, Tore Gude, Erlend Hem, Reidar Tyssen, Oivind Ekeberg and Per Vaglum
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:19
  22. All medical schools must counsel poor-performing students, address their problems and assist them in developing into competent physicians. The objective of this study was to determine whether students with aca...

    Authors: Susan M Kies and Gregory G Freund
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:18
  23. Given the relatively sudden change from learner to teacher-provider that new consultants experience and the likely clinical and managerial challenges this may pose, there is a relative dearth of research into ...

    Authors: Brian McKinstry, Malcolm Macnicol, Katy Elliot and Stuart Macpherson
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:17
  24. Imagination of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of cerebral vascular lesions using two-dimensional (2D) angiograms is one of the skills that neurosurgical residents should achieve during their training. Al...

    Authors: Behzad Eftekhar, Mohammad Ghodsi, Ebrahim Ketabchi and Arman Rakan Ghazvini
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:15
  25. Primary Health Care (PHC) is increasingly being introduced into undergraduate medical education. In Greece, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Crete was the first to introduce a 4-week long training ...

    Authors: George Belos, Christos Lionis, Michael Fioretos, John Vlachonicolis and Anastas Philalithis
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:13
  26. Following the implementation of a new final Year 5 curriculum in one medical school we carried out a study to explore the experience of the transition from final student year to Pre-Registration House Officer ...

    Authors: Heidi Lempp, Mac Cochrane and John Rees
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:10
  27. As assessment has been shown to direct learning, it is critical that the examinations developed to test clinical competence in medical undergraduates are valid and reliable. The use of extended matching questi...

    Authors: Bipin Bhakta, Alan Tennant, Mike Horton, Gemma Lawton and David Andrich
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:9
  28. Our obstetrics and gynaecology undergraduate teaching module allocates 40–50 final year medical students to eight teaching hospital sites in the West Midlands region. Based on student feedback and concerns rel...

    Authors: Rajesh Varma, Ekta Tiyagi and Janesh K Gupta
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:8
  29. It is a high priority that health care providers have effective communication skills. It has been well documented that the doctor-patient relationship is central to the delivery of high quality medical care, a...

    Authors: Mohsen Tavakol, Sima Torabi, Owen D Lyne and Ali A Zeinaloo
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:6
  30. Pharmaceutical company representatives (PCRs) influence the prescribing habits and professional behaviour of physicians. However, the skills for interacting with PCRs are not taught in the traditional medical ...

    Authors: James L Wofford and Christopher A Ohl
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:5
  31. Physicians' awareness of their important role in defusing the obesity epidemic has increased. However, the number of family practitioners who treat obesity problems continues to be low. Self-efficacy refers to...

    Authors: Sara Katz, Amiel Feigenbaum, Shmuel Pasternak and Shlomo Vinker
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:4
  32. Although Western models of education are being used to establish health professional programs in non-Western countries, little is known about how students in these countries perceive their learning experiences...

    Authors: Hélène Larin, Jean Wessel and Amal Al-Shamlan
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:3
  33. Recent literature has called for humanistic care of patients and for medical schools to begin incorporating humanism into medical education. To assess the attitudes of health-care professionals toward homeless...

    Authors: David S Buck, F Marconi Monteiro, Suzanne Kneuper, Donna Rochon, Dana L Clark, Allegra Melillo and Robert J Volk
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:2
  34. A variety of definitions of evidence-based practice (EBP) exist. However, definitions are in themselves insufficient to explain the underlying processes of EBP and to differentiate between an evidence-based proce...

    Authors: Martin Dawes, William Summerskill, Paul Glasziou, Antonino Cartabellotta, Janet Martin, Kevork Hopayian, Franz Porzsolt, Amanda Burls and James Osborne
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2005 5:1
  35. Critical appraisal skills are believed to play a central role in an evidence-based approach to health practice. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and costs of a critical appraisal skills ...

    Authors: Rod S Taylor, Barnaby C Reeves, Paul E Ewings and Rebecca J Taylor
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2004 4:30
  36. Prior literature has shown that physicians with healthy personal habits are more likely to encourage patients to adopt similar habits. However, despite the possibility that promoting medical student health mig...

    Authors: Erica Frank, Joan Hedgecock and Lisa K Elon
    Citation: BMC Medical Education 2004 4:29

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