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Table 2 Characteristics of included systematic reviews in the overview

From: Interventions, methods and outcome measures used in teaching evidence-based practice to healthcare students: an overview of systematic reviews

Authors, year/country


Search strategies (Databases searched, date-range of searches, last search up date)

N/n of student population

N = Total participants Included in review

n = total participants included in present overview

Review setting

Collaboration interventions

Educational Interventions (Teaching methods & Framing interventions)

N/n of primary studies

N = Total number of studies included in review

n = total number of studies included in present overview

Design of studies

Quality appraisal

Cui et al. 2018 [24]


Aim: compare the efficacy of EBN teaching versus traditional teaching

Design: Systematic Review/meta synthesis of randomized controlled trials


Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL)



Web of Science


Chinese BioMed Database (CBM) China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) WanFang Database

Range: 2006–2016

Last search: 2017


Classroom settings and clinical practice


Framing intervention:

Nursing specialty Course: Introduce theoretical knowledge of EBP in Nursing (EBN); Make a skill training of EBN; Teach the lessons according to thinking of EBN

Make EBN teaching plan; Master theory and skill of EBN, and Conduct EBP through case learning


Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)


Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Intervention version 5.1.0

Ghaffari et al. 2018 [25]


Aim: Systematically review the effectiveness of EBN education on the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nursing student in Iran

Design: Systematic review of quasi-experimental studies







Google Scholar


Range: 2011–2016

Last search: 2016


Classroom settings and clinical practice, but not specified in 6 out of 8 primary studies

- Clinical education with evidence-based method

Teaching methods:

- Problem-based learning

- Problem-solving approach

- Research methodology teaching based on evidence-based care


Quasi-experimental studies

Risk of bias assessment was done manually by two researchers

Horntved et al. 2018 [20]


Aim: Identify the teaching strategies for EBP knowledge, and skills, currently used in undergraduate nursing education

Design: A thematic literature review of qualitative studies






Academic Search Premier

Range: 2006–2017

Last search: 2017

662 (incl. 68 lectures) /594

Classroom settings and clinical practice

Information literacy course

Step-based Clinically integrated intervention:

A four-stage intervention containing: information about voluntary participation in clinical research projects, education program related to EBP

A Six-week program in reading and oral presentations of results from a research article related to a chosen field and topic of nursing practice

Interdisciplinary collaboration:

Collaboration between librarians, study skills advisors, and academics

- Collaboration between faculty and library

Clinical integrated interactive teaching interventions:

- Integrated teaching activities to teach clinical strategies

- Assignments

- Assignments based on collaboration with health-care personnel in clinical practice

- Assignment: choosing topics aimed at utilizing research and enhancing competence in the clinical practice context

- Learning activities with oral presentations of the findings from the students’ studies in a clinical work setting

- Participating in clinical projects and analyzing data with researchers

- Clinical experts engaged in lectures

- Conducting ‘mini’ research projects including an analysis of health needs of a particular patient group with a common problem or diagnosis

- Participating and cooperating in clinical research projects

Framing interventions:

- Establishing program related to the research process, incl. concept analysis, identifying evidence based quantitative and qualitative research, critical assessment, identifying discourses in documents, and practical implications of research as intervention programs

- Experiential learning; often supplemented by collaborative group learning, such as partnerships for learning course content

- Assignments, incl. carrying out a literature review, developing a proposal, facing a mock ethics committee, and collecting and analyzing data; supported by lectures, incl. via ‘Blackboard’ (virtual learning platform). Students presented their methodologic and analytic approaches on ‘Blackboard’

Teaching methods:

- Lectures

- Teaching sessions

- Guided sessions

- Essay writing

- Assignments

- Course assignment

- Group work

- Presentation

Problem-based learning

- Sharing information

- Flipped classroom

- Virtual simulation

- Workshops

- Group work

- Seminars with discussions

- Traditional teaching methods

- Monthly sessions

- Experiential teaching approaches

- Assignment

- Course assignments

- Essay writing using different literature-based research methods


Qualitative and mixed-method studies

Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)

Patelarou et al. 2020 [12]

Greece, Albania, Spain, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenija, Italy

Aim: Gather, assess, and synthesize evidence on educational interventions promoting evidence-based practice competencies in undergraduate nursing students

Design: Scoping review/qualitative synthesis of quasi-experimental, mixed-method studies and randomized controlled trials







Cochrane Library

Web of Science ProQuest


Springer Link and ScienceDirect

 + 5 non-English;

CUIDEN, IBECS, SciELO, LILACS, and Polska Bibliografia Lekarska

Range: 2004–2019

Last search: 2019


Classroom settings and clinical practice


Teaching methods:

- Lectures

- Small group works

- Problem-based learning

- Computer-based

- learning

- Team-based learning

- Face-to-face intervention

- Practice-based research questions

- Voice-over PowerPoint,

- Individual projects

- Group projects

- Seminar assignments and discussions

- Lectures

- Traditional instructor-led

- Team-based learning

- Virtual simulation

- Pre-class assignments + 

Short individual pre-test followed by a group discussion and class on the pre-test, incl. instructor’s feedback

- Face-to-face tutorials/online activities + a series of recommended readings and formative assessments to extend and consolidate student learning

Framing interventions: Course on EBP

Research and EBP course

- Nursing research course


Evidence-based practice (EBP)-focused interactive teaching strategy

five step EPB program of 4 weeks

EBP program

One year 2 phase educational program

A 16-week research educational program

4 h cross-curricular EBP program

30 h EBP program,


Quasi-experimental, before and after studies


Ramis et al. 2019 [21]


Aim: Determine the effectiveness of EBP teaching strategies to undergraduate students with specific focus on efficacy of theory-based strategies

Design: Systematic review of quasi-experimental and mixed methods studies





ProQuest Health


the Campbell Collaboration PsycINFO

The New York Academy of Medicine

ProQuest Dissertations


Range: 2009–2016

Last search: 2016


Classroom settings


Teaching methods:

- Assignment

- Small groups

- 2-h introductory lecture on principles, definition, steps of and resources needed for EBP

- Dissemination

- Q & A interactive discussions

- Evidence-based internet teaching about EBP, incl. case-study based questions

30 min. video training on how to use evidence-based internet research tool

- Interactive assignment

- Q & A interactive discussions

Framing Interventions;

- Course based on Rogers’ diffusion of Innovation Model

- Course based on interactive teaching intervention (1) problem identification and evidence synthesis 2) implementation strategy 3) dissemination

- On Banduras self-efficacy,

- On Rogers theory of diffusion

- On Cognitive Apprenticeship theory (CAT) (scaffolding, exploring,

- articulating, and reflecting)

- On interactive teaching intervention (three steps: 1: problem identification and evidence synthesis; 2: implementation strategy; 3: dissemination)



Risk of bias identified across studies

Wakibi et al. 2021 [13]


Aim: To synthesize, describe, and explore the evidence available to teach EBNP to undergraduate student nurses, so the students can continue to integrate EBNP in clinical settings upon becoming professional nurses

Design: Systematic review with convergent qualitative synthesis of quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies





Web of Science Core Collection

Range: 2008–2018

Last search: 2018

1506 /1380

Classroom and clinical settings

Clinically integrated interactive strategy:

A strategy developed from model of diffusion of innovations and self-efficacy theory

Interdisciplinary collaboration:

-Collaboration between teaching institutions and clinical institutions

-Collaboration between librarians, computer laboratory technicians and educators

-Model CMBP for collaboration between university college and nursing practice

Clinical integrated multi teaching intervention

- Working on ward-based improvement areas following EBNP steps, facilitated throughout the process

Working in small groups

Presenting findings and recommendations to nurses and facilitators. Implementing changes in practice changes and evaluating changes

- 1: Research course, 2: 6 days clinical practicum in clinical setting incorporating EBNP (happened twice; in the middle and end of semester):

Two lectures on EBNP processes and concepts, working on hospital units in small groups, individual and group EBNP projects, small group conferences, presenting projects

Clinical integrated teaching interventions:

Clinical practicum in clinical setting incorporating EBNP

Clinical integrated interactive teaching interventions:

- EBNP project aiming at developing clinical practice guidelines

- Describing EBNP project. EBNP project carried out in small groups throughout semester in partnership with clinical preceptors

Teaching methods:

- Lectures

- Seminars

- Small group discussions

- Quizzes

- Assignments

- Spiraling technique

- Literature searching

- Workshop

- Small groups with facilitation from tutor and researcher

- Seminar assignments and discussions

- Group work

- Individual work

- Practical computer work

- Journal clubs: students worked in small groups with nurses, specialists, charge nurses, and hospital directors

- Presentations

- Blended learning with lectures, small groups, online eRources

- Blended learning: brainstorming, group work, and individual work

- Summative and formative evaluation

- Grade to evaluate students’ learning

- Tests and examinations

- Individual online learning

- Learning divided into three component parts: 1. introducing research principles, 2. Teaching Evidence Based Nursing Practice (EBNP), 3: Understanding the application of EBNP concepts to practice

- Pedagogical approach in teaching following a learning design (theoretical framework) with an underpinning scientific rationale in 3 stages: 1: Backward design, 2: Determining acceptable evidence, 3: Planning learning experience and instruction

- Appraising articles in small groups, plenary discussions, lectures. Using a manual to guide article appraisal process. A final examination was taken

- Self-directed learning of EBP basics (phase1) and workshops for critical appraisal of literature (phase2). At the end: presentations from groups

Framing interventions:

-Two-month EBNP learning strategy learning of EBP basics and critical appraisal of literature

- Courses covering research methods and statistics, EBNP concepts and principles and it-skills

- One-time EBNP course taught didactically covering research methods and statistics, EBNP concepts and principles

- Research courses

- EBP Course in EBP steps: 7-steps: fostering a spirit of inquiry and EBP culture, asking PICOT questions, searching for best evidence, critical appraisal, integrating evidence with clinical expertise and patient preferences to make clinical decisions, evaluating outcomes of EBP practice, and disseminating outcomes were described as useful steps

- 15 weeks EBNP course, incl. biostatistics and epidemiology courses

- 4 weeks EBNP course on reading, searching, and critically appraising evidence

15 /13

Qualitative, quantitative (before and after, quasi-experimental, cross-sectional studies), and mixed methods studies included

Joanna Briggs Institute

 + grading system Downe et al. 2009)