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Table 3 Residency performance outcome and complication

From: Modified paramedian versus conventional paramedian technique in the residency training: an observational study


Conventional Method

Modified Method

p value*

Spinal Group

Attempt Number


< 0.001


26 (20.31%)

76 (59.38%)



68 (53.13%)

47 (36.72%)


  > 3

24 (18.75%)

3 (2.34%)



10 (7.81%)

2 (1.56%)


Complications a

2 (1.56%)

2 (1.56%)


Epidural group

Attempt Number


< 0.001


11 (14.29%)

50 (64.94%)



24 (31.17%)

19 (24.68%)


  > 3

30 (38.96%)

6 (7.79%)



12 (15.58%)

2 (2.60%)


None error

40 (51.95%)

66 (85.71%)

< 0.001

Implant error b


< 0.001


12 (15.58%)

5 (6.49%)



18 (23.38%)

5 (6.49%)



7 (9.09%)

1 (1.30%)


Complications a

11 (14.29%)

1 (1.30%)


Combined group

Attempt Number


< 0.001


8 (15.09%)

26 (47.27%)



15 (28.30%)

22 (40.00%)


  > 3

18 (33.96%)

6 (10.91%)



12 (22.64%)

1 (1.82%)


None error

19 (35.85%)

48 (87.27%)

< 0.001

Implant error b


< 0.001


10 (18.87%)

2 (3.64%)



19 (35.85%)

4 (7.27%)



5 (9.43%)

1 (1.82%)


Complications a

11 (20.75%)

2 (3.64%)


  1. Values are expressed as number (n(%))
  2. a Complications include infection, epidural hematoma, and post-dural puncture headache
  3. b Implant error included dura puncture, difficulty of catheter threading, blood withdraw, and intrathecal catheterization
  4. Abbreviations: D difficulty at threading; P dura puncture, IV intravascular catheterization