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Correction to: A systematic review of stakeholder views of selection methods for medical schools admission

The Original Article was published on 15 June 2018


Following publication of the original article [1], the author report typographical errors in the

Figure 1 Study Search Strategy and Review Process – the lowest box on the right hand side should read “Full-texts excluded with reasons (n=37)” instead of “(n=38)”

Page 3 of the text, column 2, paragraph 2, second-last sentence should be “Subsequently 71 records were included for full review and 37 excluded” instead of “Subsequently 70 records were included for full review and 38 excluded”


  1. Kelly ME, et al. A systematic review of stakeholder views of selection methods for medical schools admission. BMC Medical Education. 2018;18:139.

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Kelly, M.E., Patterson, F., O’Flynn, S. et al. Correction to: A systematic review of stakeholder views of selection methods for medical schools admission. BMC Med Educ 18, 162 (2018).

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