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Table 5 Combined summary of workshop feedback

From: Overcoming barriers to equality, diversity, inclusivity, and sense of belonging in healthcare education: the Underrepresented Groups’ Experiences in Osteopathic Training (UrGEnT) mixed methods study

Workshop feedback about EDI issues (+ frequency counts)

Recommendations for positive action

Theme 1: Lack of EDI awareness among staff (96)

Examples of poor staff attitude and behaviour towards URGs (36)

Inappropriate communication between staff and students (26)

Little awareness of URG students’ learning and support needs (15)

Inconsistency/lack of EDI in clinical and academic education (13)

Unclear policies/processes for EDI monitoring and governance (6)

Provide EDI and communication skills training.

Share information about EDI values, policies and best practices.

Address EDI concerns and communicate actions effectively.

Collect data on student demographics, EDI attitudes/issues.

Create culturally diverse tutorials, patient cases, presentations.

Embed EDI in staff recruitment, induction and progress reports.

Theme 2: Inconsistent or ineffective student support (51)

Institutional barriers and resistance to change (26)

Unclear access to relevant support (14)

Limited sharing of information and limited available support (9)

Structural/institutional barriers to diversity and inclusion (2)

Integrate expectations about EDI in student support at all levels.

Provide rolling programme of ‘Active Bystander’ training for all.

Develop and deliver an effective Personal Tutor system.

Communicate the actions taken about EDI issues identified.

Collect data about structural, environmental, clinical challenges.

Theme 3: Lack of clarity in institutional polices and processes (26)

Lack of clarity about complaints policies and processes (9)

Lack of clarity about professional values and governance (7)

Lack of clarity about assessment and feedback processes (5)

Lack of clarity about acceptable language and behaviour (5)

Make EDI policies and processes accessible and visible.

Clarify the possible/actual outcomes of complaints processes.

Review and share information about institutional values.

Clarify policies for complaints, whistleblowing, and impact.

Review policies about acceptable language and behaviour.

Theme 4: Poor representation for minority groups (25)

Limited diversity/representation in student assessments (17)

Limited understanding of patients from UrGs (7)

Limited diversity in OEP staff (1)

Make institutional marketing images more diverse and inclusive.

Create collaborative feedback methods, esp. with UrG students.

Develop the clinical curriculum to reflect social diversity.

Review implicit bias in staff and student recruitment.