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Table 5 Representative evidence for each theme and subtheme representative evidence for each theme and subtheme

From: Training the next generation of community-engaged physicians: a mixed-methods evaluation of a novel course for medical service learning in the COVID-19 era

Theme and subthemes

Qualitative evidence

Quantitative evidence

Multi-perspective feedback


Instructor Feedback

“I liked how versatile the TAs were because there was a wide range of different projects in the class and they were able to offer good, substantial feedback for all of them, and so I think that the mentorship also really helped me improve and develop my project.” (P2)

Good Teaching Scale

“The teaching staff normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was going.” (mean = 4.78)

“The staff put a lot of time into commenting on my work.” (mean = 4.67)

Community Partner Feedback

“A lot of the changes I made throughout my project were based on direct feedback from different parts of the community, it was […] a collaboration between me and the community.” (P2)

“I know more about [Community Partner’s] terminologies and how they deal with problems, or why that does not work well in real-world practice and what difficulties they face. Those are very valuable information I could not find through papers, publications, social media, or news articles.” (P5)

Good Teaching Scale

“The staff put a lot of time into commenting on my work.” (mean = 4.67)

Peer Feedback

“I really did appreciate how much we took [other students’] input and the space we were allowed to do that.” (P1)


Encouraging Collaboration


Interdisciplinary Partnerships

“Through this course, I was able to contact and interview several practitioners in disaster relief or COVID-19. I think this course strengthened my mindset or the idea that it’s not always hard to reach out to practitioners in the industry or in the frontline and integrate real-world policy into my research.” (P5)

What I’m really proud of was the ability that I had to bring so many different experts together […] it was the result of communicating with so many different experts to get their input on what is the best way to make this communication and looking at the research to see what’s the best way to communicate about vaccines and bringing all that together, because I think that is sort of the lesson of the class: how can we create a project that’s really interdisciplinary.” (P1)

Generic Skills Scale

“My university experience encouraged me to value perspectives other than my own.” (mean = 4.44)

Generic Skills Scale

“The course helped me develop my ability as a team member.” (mean = 3.33)

Long Lasting Connections

“It was invaluable to have the course at that time in my career […] it built my network in the community. These contacts, they’re not going away - I can contact people, five years later, and remember that experience.” (P3)

Graduate Qualities Scale

“I consider what I learned valuable for my future.” (mean = 4.67)

Empowerment for Future Community Engagement


Affirming Choice in Medicine

“Before [taking the course], I thought medicine made sense with my talents […] and that things that I see in my future career, but after doing this project, I saw it as a way I could be happy, like being someone who just works on [vaccine hesitancy] for a long time, makes that an important part of their career” (P1)

Graduate Qualities Scale

“University stimulated my enthusiasm for further learning.” (mean = 4.67)

Future Coursework

“I took another community-engaged learning course […] I think that taking the COVID Elective course allowed me to more easily think: ‘Oh, I can do this; this is something I want to do’, and so that’s why I think this class was my gateway into more community-engaged learning.” (P2)

Graduate Qualities Scale

“University stimulated my enthusiasm for further learning.” (mean = 4.67)


“As future healthcare providers, we want to be leaders in the communities that we serve, and you want to be able to be involved at any time with the people of our community. This class made me realize that it’s important for us to have that experience.” (P4)

Graduate Qualities Scale

“My university experience encouraged me to value perspectives other than my own.” (mean = 4.44)


“I have been able to continue working on creating content to combat vaccine hesitancy and make a couple […] of read-aloud videos of the book to further distribute the message of the book […] Since the class ended, I’ve done a few workshops in elementary schools […] teach about vaccines and I have another one coming up with Santa Clara Family Health Plan. I’m finishing up working on a lesson plan to accompany the book.” (P1)

Graduate Qualities Scale

“University stimulated my enthusiasm for further learning.” (mean = 4.67)