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Table 1 Participants and project profiles from qualitative participants

From: Training the next generation of community-engaged physicians: a mixed-methods evaluation of a novel course for medical service learning in the COVID-19 era


Educational level


Participant 1 (P1)

Undergraduate student, Biology (pre-med)

Wrote and disseminated a children’s book to combat vaccine hesitancy in multiple languages

Participant 2 (P2)

Undergraduate student, Human Computer Interaction

Created an educational board game to teach children the importance of hygienic habits and vaccination

Participant 3 (P3)

Masters student, Computer Science

Developed an IRB proposal for the validation of an algorithm capable of detecting COVID-19 infection from a cough audio file using artificial intelligence

Participant 4 (P4)

Medical student

Collected and disseminated masks to student residences on a university campus

Participant 5 (P5)

Ph.D. student, Engineering

Created a needs-assessment for natural disaster evacuations during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent outbreaks during natural disasters