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Table 4 Themes, subthemes, and codes derived from student reflections

From: Exploring medical and nursing students’ perceptions about a patient safety course: a qualitative study




Number of mentions, n (%)

Medical students

(n = 184)

Nursing students

(n = 393)

1: Acquired skills

1.1 Clinical skills

Infection prevention

37 (20.1)

138 (35.1)


32 (17.4)

54 (13.7)

1.2 Interpersonal skills


18 (9.8)

72 (18.3)

Conflict management

48 (26.1)

79 (20.1)

Teamwork and its importance

24 (13.0)

71 (18.1.9)

2: Understanding of medical errors

2.1 Increased awareness


26 (14.1)

10 (2.5)


76 (41.3)

168 (42.7)

2.2 Error prevention and reduction


73 (39.7)

223 (56.7)

2.3 Responding to errors

Reporting to authorities

16 (8.7)

47 (12.0)

Disclosure to the patient and family

23 (12.5)

33 (8.4)

3: Personal experiences with patient safety issues


22 (12.0)

21 (5.3)

4: Impact of the course

4.1 New information and changed perceptions

New information

46 (25.0)

155 (39.4)

Changed perceptions

29 (15.8)

44 (11.2)

Systems thinking and blame free approach

52 (28.3)

32 (8.1)

4.2 Professional integrity


32 (17.4)

78 (19.8)

Being careful and vigilant

17 (9.2)

85 (21.6)

Increased confidence

5 (2.7)

40 (10.2)

4.3 Need for similar sessions


10 (5.4)

50 (12.7)

4.4 Importance of the topic


23 (12.5)

48 (12.2)

5: Course feedback

5.1 Format

Scenario based learning

25 (13.6)

83 (21.1)

Use of examples

57 (31.0)

125 (31.8)

Activity based sessions

24 (13.0)

84 (21.4)

5.2 Preparation for clinical years


43 (23.4)

38 (9.7)

5.3 Suggestions


12 (6.5)

22 (5.6)