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Table 3 Self-reported knowledge and confidence among radiation oncologists (n = 38)

From: Increasing pediatric radiation oncology capacity in sub-saharan Africa using technology: a pilot of a pediatric radiation oncology virtual training course






Knowledge of pediatric cancers

2 (0.735)

2.92 (0.882)


< 0.001

Knowledge of indications for pediatric radiation treatment

2.08 (0.784)

2.97 (0.636)


< 0.001

Knowledge of tolerance doses of pediatric organs at risk

2.26 (0.724)

3.32 (0.471)


< 0.001

Knowledge of ICRU 50,62,71 and 78

2.08 (0.85)

3.24 (0.59)


< 0.001

Knowledge of staging pediatric malignancies

2.11 (0.798)

3.34 (0.627)


< 0.001

Confidence in radiation treatment planning for pediatric CNS tumors.

2.03 (0.716)

3.11 (0.689)


< 0.001

Confidence in radiation treatment planning for Wilms tumor.

2 (0.805)

3.16 (0.638)


< 0.001

Confidence in radiation treatment planning for pediatric sarcomas.

1.95 (0.837)

2.97 (0.545)


< 0.001

Confidence in contouring pediatric normal structures.

1.95 (0.733)

3.26 (0.601)


< 0.001

Confidence in contouring pediatric target volume structures on CT/MRI imaging.

1.74 (0.724)

3.13 (0.665)


< 0.001

  1. a. Confidence scores were rated on a 5-point Likert score
  2. b. Pre-and post-test scores are mean (standard deviation)