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Table 1 Complexity of the simulation scenarios and problem solution

From: Validation of clinical simulation scenarios for the teaching of soft skills in child-centered care


Somatic problem


Problem solution

Scenario 1

Sore throat and fever

The child has pain when swallowing;

The child disapproves of pill form or bad tasting medication

Addressing the concerns;

Give treatment options;

Help the child to become involved in care

Scenario 2


The child disapproves of intravenous injection or administration of saline;

Dramatizing child;

Rigid parent

To calm down;

Recognize feelings and emotions;

To establish rapport;

Inform what the patient has, what will happen and who will perform the care;

Encourage the patient to feel in control of the treatment

Scenario 3

Asthma Crisis

Anxious parent;

The child is neglecting part of the treatment to demonstrate independence;

The child is ashamed of his own state of health;

The child is using medication inappropriately;

Divergence of information provided by parent and son

To calm down;

Recognize feelings and emotions of child;

Identify conflicting information and needs

To Educate;

Help the child solve the problem in order to be healthy and have a normal social life;

Encourage the patient to feel in control of the treatment