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Table 1 ISBAR checklist with global rating score for overall communication for assessors

From: Descriptive feedback with targeted education to improve telephonic escalation of care: a simulation-based study


1. Identify self-position


2. Identify self-location


3. Identify Receiver name


4. Identify Receiver position


5. Identify patient name


6. Identify patient age


7. Identify patient sex


8. Identify patient location



9. States early the purpose of the call


10. States purpose clearly and concisely


11. States if urgent or not



12. States relevant issues in logical order


13. States relevant vital signs



14. States the possible diagnosis


15. States differential diagnosis


16. States if deteriorating or stable



17. Asks for help or advice clearly


18. Clarify instructions


19. Duration of conversation


20. Global rating scale


Reason for allocated global rating scale score

  1. Note. ISBAR (Identification, Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation)