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Table 7 Mean and standard deviation of the additional statements for online LTBL (2020), according to the Likert scoring method, where SA represents strongly agree, A represents agree, and N represents neutral. Students who answered yes to “I reviewed the videos of online LTBL after class or when I was preparing for exams” would answer the last question

From: Application of lecture-and-team-based learning in stomatology: in-class and online

Statements/mean (SD)


LTBL increases students’ attention in online classes

4.67 (0.57) SA

The online platform of LTBL is convenient

4.55 (0.53) SA

In the online LTBL classes, students can turn on the microphone at any time to ask the teacher questions, which enhances the interaction with the teacher

4.20 (0.80) SA

I reviewed the videos of online LTBL after class or when I was preparing for exams

Yes (43.3%),

No (56.7%)

The videos help to review the content that I failed to catch up with in the online classes and strengthen theoretical knowledge

4.69 (0.47) SA