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Table 1 Pre-rotation questionnaire completed by students

From: ‘First, do no harm’: systematic program evaluation of an equine veterinary service-learning initiative with Indigenous communities in Canada

Cultural Perspectives*

Social Responsibility**

Additional Comments or Thoughts

1.I think my beliefs and attitudes are influenced by my culture

2.Veterinary professionals’ own cultural beliefs influence veterinary care decisions

3.Time in the veterinary curriculum devoted to the promotion of student self-awareness and well-being is time well spent

4.A veterinary professional’s ability to communicate with clients is as important as his/her ability to solve clinical problems

5.The presence of more than two family members or agents for the horse owner is disruptive to veterinary care and should be prohibited

6.The quality of patient care could possibly be compromised if a veterinary professional is oblivious to the family’s cultural attributes and values

7.As a veterinary professional if I needed more information about a person’s culture to provide a service, I would feel comfortable asking the person or one of their family members

8.Indigenous peoples, due to their own cultural beliefs and values, have the poorest animal health status in Canada

9.Indigenous peoples should take more individual responsibility for improving their own animals’ health

10.The Western medical model is sufficient in meeting the health needs of all animals including those owned by Indigenous peoples

11.All Canadians need to understand Indigenous history and culture

12.Indigenous peoples should not have to change their culture just to fit in

13.We practice equity in the provision of veterinary care by treating Aboriginal people the same as all other clients

14.I need to think beyond the individual when considering Indigenous veterinary care

15.I have a social responsibility to work for changes in Indigenous veterinary care

1.I am motivated to partake in services intended to help people that are disadvantaged

2.I am motivated to volunteer within the animal health community

3.I feel a strong sense of social responsibility

4.I am comfortable working with marginalized populations

5.Vets should provide free services for Indigenous populations

6.People who cannot afford veterinary care for their pets should not own them

7.I believe vets can impact human health

8.It frustrates me when people cannot afford to pay for their pet’s health care

9.I plan on being involved with community outreach after graduation

  1. *Adapted from Ryder et al. (2017)** Adapted from Van Patten et al. (2021)