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Table 1 Swedish core entrustable professional activities (EPAs) for undergraduate education

From: Clinical supervisors’ experience of a first-time application of entrustable professional activities in clinical supervision of medical students: findings from a Swedish pilot study

1* Gather a history and perform a relevant physical examination

2* Prioritize a preliminary diagnosis among relevant differential diagnoses

3* Formulate an initial plan for investigations

4* Formulate and implement an initial management plan

5 Identify the need for and initiate interventions to promote health and prevent illness

6 Perform general procedures of a physician

7 Recognize patients requiring urgent care and initiate primary intervention

8* Summarize, document, prescribe and issue medical certificate based on a patient encounter

9* Collaborate within healthcare and with other professionals in the community

10 Contribute to a patient safety culture within healthcare

  1. *EPAs suggested in the written information to the clinical supervisors