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Table 4 Qualitative analysis of responses to the question “How did the COVID-19 pandemic influence your view of the medical profession and your future practice?”

From: Professional values at the beginning of medical school: a quasi-experimental study



Sample Speeches

Professional training

Evidence-based practice

It boosted in a very intense way my desire to always want to be updated, to practice medicine based on scientific evidence”. (S41, male, 19 years old, IG).

Soft skills

“The doctor alone cannot promote the health process in its magnitude, so it takes a whole team to talk and work together” (S34, female, 30 years old, IG)

Resignification of the profession


The pandemic has highlighted the altruistic character and strong moral duty that a doctor should have.” (S22, male., 22 years old, IG)

It made me value health professionals even more, mainly because there are examples in my home. Seeing their courage, commitment, and dedication during this period encouraged me even more to aim to be a good professional in this area.” (S9, male, 19 years old, IG)


“It has influenced my view of doctors by destroying the superhero doctor image I once held: it has become clear that the most that can be done are what is humanly possible, which often may not be enough”. (S128, female, 17 years old, CG)

Humanized care

The pandemic has reinforced my view of the need for more humane and dignified patient care…” (S27, male, 26 years old, IG)

Health system

“The importance of an integrated, complete and public health system […] this challenge has made me an inveterate and unyielding supporter of the SUS.” (S94, male, 33 years old, CG)


Meaning of life

I realized the role of health professionals goes beyond the profession; it is a purpose you have for other people”. (S111, female, 18 years old, CG)