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Table 4 Category, Sub-category, and themes

From: Lesson learned from assessing teachers’ and students’ perspectives regarding the quality of e-learning in medical education during the pandemic: a mixed-methods study




Teaching-Learning Strategies


Flexibility, learning at their own pace and convenience, access to resources, self-paced learning


Inadequate teaching approach, insufficient interaction, hindrance of immediate feedback and personal connections, challenges in effectively delivering clinical education activities, inadequate variation of instructional methods, limited use of interactive tools, potential impact on motivation and engagement


Exploring innovative teaching approaches, incorporating active learning strategies, leveraging technology, blended learning, address different learning styles


Independent nature of virtual learning requiring self-motivation, time management skills, and self-discipline from students

Course Structure


Consistency and compliance, well-structured virtual courses, following a consistent curriculum, ensuring compliance with ethical standards, and educational guidelines, providing students with a structured learning experience, easy access, online platforms allowing students to navigate the course content conveniently at their own pace


absence of in-person guidance and supervision in virtual education, potential gaps in understanding or lack of clarity in course content, need for students to be more proactive in seeking clarifications, limited Social Interaction’ lack of social interactions in virtual education, potential impact on the development of interpersonal skills and peer support networks


Accessibility to education for individuals facing geographical or time constraints, enabling lifelong learning and reaching a broader audience who may not have had access to traditional education, flexibility of online learning allowing for seamless integration of education with work commitments, virtual education allowing students from diverse backgrounds and regions to interact, fostering cultural exchange and global collaboration, expanding students’ perspectives through exposure to different viewpoints and experiences, unique and vital traits of online learning format


Unequal access to technology and reliable internet connections can create disparities in educational opportunities, hindering some students’ ability to fully participate in virtual education and exacerbating existing educational inequalities, ensuring consistent quality across virtual courses and assessing learning outcomes effectively can be challenging in the absence of traditional evaluation methods, requiring robust mechanisms for quality assurance and accreditation.

Infrastructure and Technology


Availability of necessary software, the availability of appropriate software and tools, facilitating seamless online learning experiences, learning management systems, video conferencing platforms, and interactive learning tools, easy setup of audio and video, ability to set up audio and video connections in virtual education, enabling real-time interactions between students and instructors, facilitating live lectures and discussions


Technical challenges, software compatibility problems, unreliable internet connections, limited access to necessary devices,


Opportunities for innovative technology virtual education, leveraging digital tools and multimedia content to enhance the learning experience, incorporating interactive elements such as videos, quizzes, and simulations, making the learning process more engaging and effective, potential for global collaboration and cultural exchange among students from different regions broadening perspectives and promoting intercultural understanding


Digital divide and unequal access to technology, threats to the overall effectiveness of virtual education, Lack of access to necessary devices or reliable internet connections, creating educational inequalities and hindering students’ ability to fully participate in e-learning, social isolation and effective assessment and feedback, potential for social isolation in virtual education, need for effective assessment and feedback in the e-learning environment, absence of face-to-face interactions and challenges of providing timely and meaningful feedback in virtual settings

Support system


Accessibility, flexibility, variety of support options, collaboration opportunities, personalized support


Lack of face-to-face interaction, technical difficulties, limited non-verbal cues, potential for social isolation, increased self-discipline requirements


Enhanced accessibility for diverse learners, integration of multimedia resources, global collaboration, continuous improvement, scalability



Technological barriers, privacy and security concerns, equity issues, overreliance on technology, potential for disengagement