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Table 3 Perception of students towards institute’s preparedness and online exams. (n = 824)

From: E-learning in medical education: a perspective of pre-clinical medical students from a lower-middle income country

Sections and questions

Response in YES n (%)

Response in NO n (%)

Section III: Perception of Institute’s Preparedness:

 Course objectives and curriculum were well explained to me

444 (53.5%)

360 (46.5%)

 Learning material was provided properly

502 (60%)

322 (40%)

 My online course was highly structured as the traditional course used to be

294 (35.5%)

512 (64.5%)

 All my queries regarding the subject were resolved during online classes

236 (28.5%)

588 (71.5%)

 Online learning has helped me to develop clinical and lab skills more than traditional learning.

170 (20.5%)

654 (79.5%)

 I was able to complete my tasks/ assignments on time

510 (61%)

314 (39%)

 Overall, I am satisfied with the institution’s readiness for online teaching

322 (39%)

502 (61%)

Section IV: Perception of online exam:

 I appeared in an online exam/ class test (both theory and viva)

650 (79%)

174 (21%)

 I faced technical problems while attempting an online exam

514 (63%)

310 (37%)

 The online exam was well-structured

616 (74.5%)

208 (25.5%)

 I was able to complete my exam in the given time

627 (76%)

197 (24%)

 I was able to interact with the examiner during the online viva exam

448 (54%)

376 (46%)

 Overall, online learning is more effective than traditional learning.

156 (18%)

668 (81%)