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Table 2 Perception of students on experience with online learning and participation in class activities

From: E-learning in medical education: a perspective of pre-clinical medical students from a lower-middle income country

Sections and questions

Response in YES n (%)

Response in NO n (%)

Section I: Perception of Experience with Online Learning

 I have experience of attending online courses in the past

211 (25%)

613 (75%)

 I have the proper equipment for attending online classes

689 (84%)

135 (16%)

 I have a good command of computer skills

511 (62%)

313 (38%)

 I face technical problems during online classes like internet connectivity and electricity issues.

674 (82%)

150 (18%)

 I can take online classes regularly

418 (50.5%)

406 (49.5%)

Section II: Perception of Participation in Class Activities:

 I can fully participate in online classes actively

312 (37.5%)

512 (62.5%)

 I feel engaged during online class

418 (50.5%)

406 (49.5%)

 I get distracted during online class

721 (87%)

103 (13%)

 There is proper student activity during online class

692 (83%)

132 (17%)

 For me, home is a better place to learn than to classroom

221 (26%)

603 (61%)

 For me, having a teacher in the classroom is necessary while learning

680 (82%)

144 (18%)

 I was able to interact with my colleagues and teachers during online class

288 (34.5%)

536 (65.5%)

 I have proper access to online learning material

456 (55%)

368 (45%)