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Table 2 Overview of data analysis

From: Exploring formal and informal learning opportunities during morning report: a qualitative study




All authors watched and discussed six randomly selected video-recorded morning reports while sitting together. During each video-recording, each author wrote down their individual reflections. Notes were shared and preliminary themes were identified. Two analytical dimensions, a socio-cultural dimension and an explicit teaching and learning dimension, were identified. The socio-cultural dimension has been described in a previous study (24).


The first and last author then re-watched all 23 recordings individually and made detailed descriptive notes on paper about the interactions, focusing on teaching activities and learning opportunities.


The notes were compared, and initial codes were identified using an inductive and explorative approach. Selected video excerpts were watched several times to review the codes and identify initial themes.


Further analysis was then undertaken using Eraut’s theoretical framework as a lens and defining final themes. Selected passages were transcribed verbatim.


Analysis concluded with a final check and adjustment of themes.