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Table 3  Semi-structured exit interview questions

From: Promoting a more diverse and inclusive research workforce through the research scholars program

Orientation Question

How would you describe the RSP to people who may want to learn more about it?

Program Questions

What were the 1–2 best parts of the RSP? The 1–2 weakest parts of the RSP?

Did the RSP help in your research professional development? If so, how? If not, why not?

As compared to your peers who have not been part of RSP, do you feel that you have received any unique support or experiences? If so, what were these?

Have there been any unique challenges to being a Research Scholar?


Can you please share your experiences about the following? (Interviewers are told to gather information related to positive aspects, negative aspects, and potential changes to make.)

- Cohort, Near-Peer Mentors, Scientific Mentors, Sponsors, Coaching Committee

Formal and Informal Programming

There are a number of different programmatic elements in the RSP. Can you please share your experiences about the following? Would you share your perspectives on the value of the following program components? (Interviewers are told to gather information related to positive aspects, negative aspects, and potential changes to make.)

- Faculty Success Program, Grant Writing Workshop, Grant Writing Boot Camp, Campuswide and National Enrichment Events, Pitch Session/Lunch and Learn Presentation, Monthly Check-ins with RSP Leadership, Monthly Meetups


Would you recommend RSP to a colleague? What advice would you pass along about the program?

Generally, has the RSP affected your research trajectory? If so, how?

What is the one activity that you felt made the program unique or worthwhile?

If we were cutting one activity or component, what should that be? Why?

What component or activity do you wish we had provided or had provided more of?

Do you feel you are on target for promotion in your college? Please comment

Wrap-Up Questions

How might you contribute most effectively to future cohorts of the RSP?

Is there any other feedback you would like to share before we end the interview?