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Table 3 Themes, subthemes and examples of responses for choosing preferred method of communicating risk

From: Words and numbers: a comparative study of medical and journalism students’ descriptors of risk, numeracy and preferences for health risk communication

Main themes


Examples of responses

Good communication

Easy to understand, straightforward


Precise, accurate, factual, direct


Clear, obvious, stands out


Quick (fast) communication


“It was clearest and the percentages were easiest to understand” (M,P)

“Concise, less, jargon” (J, NF)

“more direct numbers” (J, P)

“All the information was there and it was still clear to understand” (J, P)

“Representation of the risk was clearer when presented as a number in every 10 people” (M, NF)

“simpler, less complicated” (J, P)

“Conveys the information quickly and succinctly” (M, V)

“Visuals are always the best way to grab people’s attention” (J, V)

Learning style

Preference for visual over numerical style

Preference for communication which is relatable

Participant thinking of own learning style

Participant thinking of how others learn

“I work better with visual aids as opposed to numbers” (J, V)

“You can imagine 10 people and then the number of people who will get the disease” (M, NF)

“I am a visual learner and tend to work better with visual representations” (M, V)

“For individuals unfamiliar with risk and statistics I think depicting it in picture format would help improve understanding” (M, V)

Elicit a response

Provokes action

Evokes emotional response

“It can help the patient to take action” (J, P)

“When I hear 10 people I think of close friends and family” (M, NF)

  1. M: Medical student; J: Journalism student; P: Percentages; NF: Natural frequency; V: Visual aids