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Table 1 Questionnaire evaluating digital literacy in 7 domains

From: Awareness and level of digital literacy among students receiving health-based education



Software and Multimedia

1.I can learn new technologies easily.

2.I have the technical skills to use information and communication technologies for learning purposes and to develop digital teaching materials (For example, presentations, digital stories, wikis, and blogs) to showcase what I have learned.

3.I can easily communicate with others through platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Meeting, and Outlook.

4.I know computer languages ​​(such as Python, C++, and visual basic).


5.I know how to solve technical problems I encounter with the technologies I use.

6.I know the essential parts of the computer (such as motherboard, memory, computer case, power supply, and hard disk), and their functions.

7.I know and can use wireless communication modules such as wifi and Bluetooth.


8.I am confident in my searches and evaluations to obtain information on the Internet.

9.Information and communication technologies allow me to better collaborate with my peers on working on a project and other learning activities.

10.I often help out with my friends over the internet in my studies at University (e.g., via Skype, Facebook, and Blogs).

11.I use professional media platforms such as LinkedIn to take steps toward my career goals and to find or reach people related to my profession.


12.I do not get stolen information from other works during my research and presentations. I cite.

13.I have an idea about digital copyrights and licenses.

14.I am aware of the Personal Data Protection Law.

15.I am aware of the Ethics Committee processes and conditions that control under which conditions and with whom I can share consented patient information and data.


16.I am familiar with topics related to internet activities, such as cyber security, web search, and internet fraud.

17.I know how the information I enter on the technological devices and applications I use is stored, and I am aware of who can see and use it.


18.I am aware that artificial intelligence is included in the technologies we use in our daily lives.

19.I am aware that there are lectures in our University on integrating artificial intelligence into the medical field.

20.I know the areas where artificial intelligence is used in medicine.


21.I follow important new technologies.

22.I am familiar with many different technologies.

23.The skills I have in information and communication technologies are sufficient.

24.I use the Internet to access medical information and check the reliability of sources.