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Table 1 Learning objectives

From: A deployable curriculum with 3D printed skills trainers for altered airway management

1. I can identify a patient with a tracheostomy and have a basic understanding of the airway anatomy in patients with a tracheostomy tube

2. I can identify a patient with a laryngectomy and have a basic understanding of the airway anatomy in patients with a laryngectomy

3. I understand problems that can occur with altered airway anatomy and steps to stabilize the patient, including mucus plugs, false passages, and airway bleeding

4. Performance Assessment- I can describe and assemble the components of tracheostomy tube, and I am able to successfully replace a tracheostomy tube

5. Performance Assessment- I can successfully place a Blomsinger (laryngectomy tube) and understand next steps if a laryngectomy patient needs assisted ventilation

  1. Learning objectives including both knowledge objectives and skilled tasks that participants should be readily able to complete for the altered airway anatomy course