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Table 3 Results of the yes/no questions from the program directors survey

From: Factors influencing the selection criteria of Saudi board orthopedic surgery applicants: a national survey of program directors


Program Director Responses (%)

Is research experience in basic sciences more impressive than the clinical field?

Yes (50%)

Once selected for an interview, are all candidates considered equal for the final decision made based solely on the candidate’s performance during the interview?

Yes (54.5)

Is an applicant who passed international licensing examinations, such as USMLE, more likely to be accepted in your program?

No (95%)

Does an applicant who graduated within the last 2 years have a better chance of acceptance in your program?

Yes (50%)

Is the gender of the applicant important for acceptance in your program?

No (77.3%)

Is the reputation of the applicant’s medical school important for acceptance in your program

No (63.6%)

Are awards and honors important when selecting an applicant?

Yes (59.1%)

Does knowledge in orthopedic surgery play a significant role in accepting an applicant?

Yes (54.5%)

Do you rely on your residents’ and fellows’ opinions in selecting an applicant?

Yes (90.9%)