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Table 4 Open-ended survey questions and summary responses

From: Development of a hybrid point-of-care ultrasound curriculum for first year medical students in a rural medical education program: a pilot study


Summarized responses

Please share any additional impacts that this course has had on your preparation for medical practice

POCUS is perceived as a valuable clinical skill (n=2); interprofessional exposure was valuable (n=1).

Please share any additional feedback about the course curriculum and execution (e.g., suggestions for improvements, additions, or highlights from your experience)

Class schedule (day/time) was not ideal (n=1)

Please share any additional feedback about your learning outcomes from this course (positive or negative).

Feel more comfortable interpreting images and manipulating the ultrasound probe. (n=1)

Please share any additional feedback about the teleguidance component of this course.

No response

What were your motivations for enrolling in the POCUS elective?

To gain exposure to a clinically important skill before clinical education and practice (n=7) To reinforce anatomy knowledge (n=1)

What was the most valuable part of the POCUS elective?

Guided hands-on practice (n=4); exposure to clinicians of various background (n=1); greater confidence for clerkships (n=1); exposure to POCUS (n=1)

What was the least valuable part of the POCUS elective?

Scanning without faculty guidance (n=1); course scheduling (day and time) (n=1)

What, if anything, would you change to improve the POCUS elective?

Find a better time to hold class (n=2); add a musculoskeletal session (n=1); more asynchronous videos and greater emphasis on pathology in class (n=1)

  1. Open ended questions and condensed responses. n= the number of responses containing the summary
  2. Acronyms: POCUS Point of care ultrasound.