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Table 6 Secondary outcomes on the students’ experiences with self-perceived learning outcomes and perceived usability of simulation methods. Numbers (%) of participants for each group and difference in percentage points with a two-sided 95% confidence interval (95% CI) between groups

From: The effect of using desktop VR to practice preoperative handovers with the ISBAR approach: a randomized controlled trial

Outcome measures

VR group

N = 86

TP group

N = 87

Absolute diff. in % points (95% CI)



N (%)

N (%)

Mean (SD)


Number of participants who reported (%):


 - Enough training from the ISBAR video before practicing

67 (77.7)

66 (76.7)

0.3 (−12.2 to 12.8)


 - Had enough time to practice

67 (77)

66 (76.7)

0.3 (−12.2 to 12.8)


 - The practice method was likable

75 (86.2)

56 (66.7)

19.5 (6.9 to 31.6)


 - Training and practice were good ways to learn the ISBAR approach

74 (86)

63 (75.9)

10.1 (−1.7 to 21.9)


 - Were confident communicating with the ISBAR approach

50 (57.5)

37 (44)

13.4 (−1.5 to 27.6)


Perceived usability of the simulation method:

 - System Usability Scale (range 0–100, higher better) mean score (standard deviation SD)

Mean 78.6

(SD 14.2)

Mean 76.3

(SD 18.4)**

Mean diff. 2.3 (−1.8 to 6.4)


  1. Abbreviations: VR desktop virtual reality, TP traditional Paper-based. *p < 0,05. **N = 84