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Table 1 The information about the patient case given to the students in both groupsa

From: The effect of using desktop VR to practice preoperative handovers with the ISBAR approach: a randomized controlled trial

The patient, Anna Hansen, born 230,462 with ID number 57957, went to the emergency ward during the night due to acute gallbladder inflammation. Acute surgery is planned. The patient was transferred to a gastro surgical ward. The patient must be prepared for acute surgery to remove the gallbladder in the surgical ward. The patient previously was diagnosed with high cholesterol and high blood pressure and takes medication for both. It has been decided that the patient will receive anesthesia and was assessed for ASA Classification 2. The patient has no allergies and no known infections. Current measurements have been taken, and the patient’s NEWS score is normal. The patient weighs 71 kg and is 172 cm tall (BMI = 24). The patient has a green peripheral venous cannula on the left hand (size 18 G) and fluid (Ringer 1000 ml) is in progress. Paracetamol 2 g and Oxycodone 2.5 mg previously were administered at 6 a.m. today. The patient has been fasting since midnight. The patient urinated before surgery. She is anxious about surgery.

  1. Abbreviations: ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists, NEWS National Early Warning Score, BMI Body Mass Index
  2. aTranslated from Norwegian by the authors