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Table 1 PICOs, inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria applied to database search

From: Enhancing self-care education amongst medical students: a systematic scoping review


Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria


Undergraduate and postgraduate medical students

Medical students undergoing a gap year or leave of absence.


Allied health specialties such as dietetics, nursing, psychology, chiropractic, midwifery, social work

Non-medical specialties such as clinical and translational science, veterinary, dentistry


Self-care education in medical school

Including: method of delivery, administrative considerations, barriers and facilitators, content taught, and assessment methods to ascertain success.

Interventions that do not involve self-care education in medical schools and/or for medical students


Comparison of the different efficacy of self-care intervention programs in medical schools

Comparison of the different methods of measuring self-care efficacy intervention programs in medical school



Impact of self-care education on student’s well-being, mental health, welfare, and professional identity formation


Study design

Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed study methods

Systematic review, literature reviews, and narrative reviews, grey literature.

Year: 1st January 2000 – 30st June 2023