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Fig. 1 | BMC Medical Education

Fig. 1

From: Gamified versus non-gamified online educational modules for teaching clinical laboratory medicine to first-year medical students at a large allopathic medical school in the United States

Fig. 1

Examples of unique elements added to gamified module. Legend: Personalization, story elements, progress meters and points/badges/rewards were added to the gamified version of the module in an effort to enhance learners’ feelings of engagement, enjoyment, and competence [28, 30]. Personalization included the optional use of the learner's name throughout the module (engagement and enjoyment). Story elements were added by putting learners in a role and asking questions as part of a scenario (engagement and enjoyment). Progress meters offered learners different illustrations to denote progress in different sections (competence and enjoyment). Finally, the incorporation of points, badges and rewards included tracking points earned throughout the module, displaying badges at the end of completed sections, and including extra messages of encouragement when learners achieved multiple correct answers in a row (competence and enjoyement)

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