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Table 5 Frequency of codes for each category and subcategory. Four categories were identified for the self-directed learning framework [16] of this study

From: Progress testing of an objective structured clinical examination during undergraduate clinical clerkship: a mixed-methods pilot study



Typical quotes







Promoted motivation to learn during the clinical clerkship (21)

Satisfaction with assessment on training results (10)

“I thought I showed enough performance in the well-simulated situation.” (#48)

“The stations were something that could be applied to what I experienced, rather than general knowledge.” (#51)




Willingness to have more clinical experience in clerkship (10)

I felt the actual workplace would be more diverse and complex.” (#15)

“I felt pressured because I was not able to do enough tasks that I should have been able to do upon graduation. I’m glad I got to experience it now.” (#49)

Seeking feedback (1)

“It would have been even better for learning to get feedback immediately.” (#12)

Dissatisfaction with being asked about tasks they have not experienced (16)

Realizing unexperienced procedures and materials (8)

“I have never used suture needles with thread, although seen them.” (36)

“I have difficulty understanding what the stations were.” (#43)




Confronting with scarce skill training (6)

“I have had little experience on such tasks.” (36)

Notice of clinician educator’s wrong procedure (2)

“I realized what my attending physician taught me was not correct after the exam”. (#1)

Confusion about not being able to use previous test-cracking strategies (6)

Complaints about that no specific coverage was shown beforehand (4)

“There is no idea what I should study for the exam.” (#12)



Taking wrong test-cracking strategies (2)

“The textbook told me general procedures, but it was insufficient when I was asked what to do in the workplace.” (#45)

Focused only on knowledge domain (1)

“I spent a lot of time reviewing clinical reasoning, but not enough on skills.” (#7)

Unfamiliarity to competencies at graduation (5)

Insufficient understanding of the required task at graduation (3)

“This task is unfair because some students experienced while others not at this point.” (#44)




Insufficient understanding of the required level at graduation (2)

“It was too difficult for the fifth-year students to take the exam.” (#4)