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Table 2 Subdimensions measured in each of the three vignettes

From: Insights into medical students’ perceptions of work culture during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed method study

Vignette topics

Subdimension measured

Volunteering to work for a COVISAN support platform

 - Following theoretical and practical training, and after immersion, the student may join a mobile team

 - Important for the student’s commitment as a future physician, providing an opportunity to explore other dimensions of the medical profession

 - Negative reactions of the student’s nonphysician relatives (worried about the risk of the student catching COVID-19 and advising against participation)

- R1, R2, R3

- W3

- S1, S2

- V1, V2

- L1

- T2

 - Following accelerated training in nursing skills

 - Impossibility of reinforcing care teams owing to relatives’ medical problems (e.g., father at risk of severe form of COVID-19) and student’s own pathology

 - Student fears being stigmatized because of inaction

 - Loss of special financial bonus

- R1

- W1, W2

- S1

- T2

- L2

- V1, V2

 - Potentially having to make ethical choices over patient care in ICU

 - Student learns that an intensive care society of a foreign country is preparing to make decisions about patient selection to favor those with a greater chance of survival

 - Ethical conflict, as the student has been left unprepared by culture and training for reasoning on the basis of triage criteria

 - Representations about the COVID-19 pandemic (more social than medical; situation not comparable to an earthquake or bombing).

- R1, R2, R3

- W2, W3

- L4

- S1

- V2