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Table 1 Summary of themes with overviews

From: Perceptions of paramedic educators on assessments used in the first year of a paramedic programme: a qualitative exploration




Enhancing authenticity

Improving assessments by making them more reflective of real-world practice, increasing authenticity in both practical and theory exams for RI and the regulator


Modifying assessment processes

Revaluate the current high-stakes examination structure conducted by the regulator, considering alternative assessment methods that better assess clinical skills.


Aligning PHECC and RI/University exams

Address discrepancies in pass mark requirements and examination questions between the regulator and RI/University assessments, ensuring a consistent and challenging standard that reflects real-life scenarios.


Utilising assessments as learning

Encourage student involvement in the assessment process through peer evaluation, question submission, and reflective practice, fostering a learning-centred approach to assessments.