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Table 7 Areas of the training program that respondents wanted to change or improve

From: Specialist training: workplace-based assessments impact on teaching, learning and feedback to support competency-based postgraduate programs

Subthemes and description

Selected supporting quotes

More trainee-centred approach to teaching with monitoring of burnout, and mental health with more support available

Fostering self-awareness

[Trainees] burnout needs to be monitored. Emergency medicine consultant

Self-awareness and mental health. Senior anaesthetics trainee

Mental health assessments and support. Also, not work us to the bone as a form of training. As a [trainee], you’re expected to work full time, study full time, and do research full time – it’s a bit much. Debriefing & support during difficult times (eg. Post failure of a resus). Individual training tailored to your current situation in the training program 1st year anaesthetics trainee

Adult programs should be accessible when it suits the trainee. Senior anaesthetics trainee

Increase staff to facilitate protected teaching time and decrease burn out

Hire more [trainees] and consultants to supervise interns and take the workload off the [trainees] so that they have adequate time to study and practice skills and attend/give tuts, as well as time to rest to decrease the risk of burnout. Internal medicine consultant

Protected teaching time. 2nd year emergency medicine trainee

Protected research time with more guidance

I would prefer specific allocated research time instead of trying to cram research work into already busy work days. 4th year medical microbiology trainee