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Table 1 The 19 items of the Creative Synthesis Inventory-Taiwan.

From: Measuring design thinking competence in Taiwanese nursing students: a cross-cultural instrument adaptation


In the nursing capstone implementation process, I can:

Q1: Convert reality into an abstract thought or idea

Q2: See connections among your ideas

Q3: Mentally manipulate ideas into new combinations

Q4. Draw ideas without using words or numbers

Q5.Think creatively

Q6: Acknowledge other’s diverse knowledge for potential application in solution(s)

Q7. Allow yourself to be open to discovery of new ideas

Q8. Utilize team decision-making

Q9. Test and define to gain feedback and learn rapidly

Q10. Create mock-up(s) (e.g., a physical to scale replica or prototype created and tested before problem/project is finalized)

Q11: Explore feasibility of your mock-up(s) (e.g., a physical to scale replica or prototype)

Q12. Discover end-use possibilities from preliminary mock-up(s)

Q13. Judge the impact of the mock-up(s) to achieve design concept

Q14. Assess project qualities (i.e., market potential, alignment to strategic goals, competitive advantage)

Q15. Receive external feedback from stakeholders/client(s)

Q16. Measure quality from end-user perspective, seeking to understand usefulness (e.g., value intention, perception, ease of use, and universal application)

Q17. Judge the level of innovation

Q18. Use a variety of data collection approaches to seek information from client and/or end-user

Q19. Define measures of success (e.g., project objectives, problem solutions, and return on investment)