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Table 3 Main themes emerging from responses to open-ended questions

From: Enhancing learning experiences in pre-clinical restorative dentistry: the impact of virtual reality haptic simulators

Benefits/ enablers of VRHS

Limitations/ barriers to of VRHS

Recommendations for improvement

Safe environment for beginners

Unrealistic sensation/ hardness of teeth compared to natural teeth, not for transition to clinics

Dedicated time for VRHS sessions

Multiple attempts possible, unlike irreversible damage in acrylic teeth

Dissimilar characteristic of VRHS handpiece to real handpiece in terms of grip, weight, and water spray

More practice on extracted natural teeth

Perceived increase in confidence initially

Perceived increase in mental stress, cannot replace conventional dental mannequin experience

Improve handpiece grip and produce simulated water spray

Exposure to/visualization of caries in fissures

Unrealistic maneuver range of head and jaw, dissimilar to real patient

Open/unlimited access to VRHS

Ability to differentiate between tooth layers (enamel, dentin and pulp)

Impractical use of instruments such as mirror and burs

Ability to restore teeth