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Table 1 Evaluation framework for assessing the level of internalisation of health advocacy

From: Evaluating the internalisation of the intrinsic role of health advocacy of student pharmacists in a new integrated Bachelor of Pharmacy curriculum: a mixed-methods study

Level of internalisation


Core assumptions

Sample action

Level 1: Understanding Pharmacist

Comprehends the concept of health advocacy and its importance

Informed of pharmacists’ role in advocating for health as healthcare providers

Is aware of the need to promote healthy living

Level 2: Personally Responsible Pharmacist

Advocates for the individual

Acts as a socially responsible healthcare provider and educates patients through counselling and advising

Educates patients on lifestyle modifications, attempts to understand patients’ beliefs and addresses patients’ health-related misconceptions

Level 3: Participatory Pharmacist

Advocates for the community

Actively participates and/or initiates programmes for the community

Organises nationwide campaigns to promote healthy living

Level 4: Justice-Oriented Pharmacist

Ideates innovative strategies to solve public health issues on a societal level by addressing root causes

Critically evaluates social, economic, and political systems to identify and address underlying causes of health inequity by initiating system-wide changes

Understands the barriers to cultivating healthy living habits and overcomes them by implementing healthy eating policies in schools and workplaces