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Table 4 Raters questionnaire

From: Collecting evidence of validity for an assessment tool for Norwegian medical students’ non-technical skills (NorMS-NTS): usability and reliability when used by novice raters




Academic competency highest degree/position?

Clinical experience (number of years in clinical practice):

Do you have any prior experience with nontechnical skills (NTS) or tools for NTS assessment?

Usability of the tool:

How was the tool to use?

How easy was it to assess the students' skills in elements and categories?

Were there elements of nontechnical skills that the tool did not capture?

Were there elements that you felt were redundant, i.e., should not have been included in the tool?

Were there elements that were difficult to assess?

Were the written instructions helpful?

Did you find that it became easier or more difficult to use the tool after gaining more experience with its use?

How long did you spend on average rating the videos?

Is this a tool you could use for training or teaching?

Other feedback?