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Table 3 Facilitators and Barriers of the Virtual CaRMS Interview

From: A Canadian survey of residency applicants’ and interviewers’ perceptions of the 2021 CaRMS R1 virtual interviews





N (%)a


N (%)a



N (%)a


N (%)a

Saved money

348 (90.6)

117 (98.3)

Reduced informal conversations

254 (66.1)

94 (79.0)

Saved applicants’ travel time

371 (96.6)

116 (97.5)

Could not get a feel for the applicants / program and city

169 (44.0)

Program: 78(65.5) City: 91(76.5)

Ease of scheduling

272 (70.8)

106 (89.1)

Concern about technological issues affecting the interview

105 (27.3)

29 (24.4)

Environmentally friendly

282 (73.4)

105 (88.2)

Could not communicate/ perform well virtually

51 (13.3)

28 (23.5)





More equitable

Fewer barriers for those who struggle financially, single parents, etc. to make it more equitable for everyone participating. -Applicant

Allowed candidates that might otherwise not be able to travel for either personal (parent, care giver) or financial reasons access to apply all programs. -Interviewer

Concern for interview integrity

I noticed some of the students looked like they were almost reading answers off of their screens for some of the basic questions, but it was important to know if they could also think on their feet and be more impromptu with their responses. -Interviewer

Less stressful

From a mental health perspective, I think having virtual interviews was hugely beneficial, not having to coordinate travel, clothing, be away from home, etc.-Applicant

Generally ran more efficiently and smoothly than in-person interviews. I truly hope we can maintain a virtual format in the future. -Interviewer

Difficult to discern genuine interest

Far less [interviews] were declined this year, interpreted to mean that many who have less legitimate interest in our program would still interview because it took far less time, money, and effort to join via zoom. -Interviewer

Better sense of the candidates in terms of personality and fit when meeting in person. -Interviewer

Greater reach of applicants

Allow opportunities to both save money and interview for more schools. -Applicant

May attract candidates to interview who wouldn't have considered our program if they needed to travel here for a single interview. -Interviewer


Difficult to read individuals [interviewers], improvise and react in virtual environments. -Applicants

In-person interviews permit evaluation of non-verbal cues, body language, eye contact. -Interviewer

Greater interviewer participation

We had more interest in virtual interviews from faculty this year compared to when we were in-person surprisingly! Our rural teams often have to travel to the city to do interviews in winter, so they greatly appreciated the virtual space. -Interviewer

Reduced networking

Not only is it an enjoyable opportunity for candidates to relax and cut loose a little bit, [but] these interactions are important for framing oneself for future opportunities such as fellowships, job interviews, etc. if a good impression is made, etc. -Interviewer


Less dangerous because usually interviews are in winter and transport during a storm can be dangerous-Interviewer

Less enjoyment

More pleasant to meet in person, not only for the applicants but also for the discussion between the members of the interview committee. -Interviewer

  1. aOf 384 interviewers and 119 applicants