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Table 3 Qualitative themes emerging from e-learning module viewers’ participant feedback

From: Teaching module for obesity bias education: incorporating comprehensive competencies and innovative techniques

What did you enjoy about the e-module?

1. Engaging

• “Simple, interactive”

• “Easy, friendly direct and funny”

• “I thought that the patient interactions were entertaining and informative which makes them very useful. Too many e-module are too long. Well done!”

• “It was informative and engaging”

2. Presents Patient Perspective

• “Showed how much body language and non-verbal cues can affect patients’ visit”

• “I enjoyed having the first-person perspective about how patients struggle with their weight feel and perceive their experiences in healthcare. I think seeing the interactions through the patients’ eyes helps highlight things that healthcare workers may not notice from their perspective.”

• “The interactive videos help show how the things we say /do have an impact on our patients’ experiences in the healthcare setting.”

3. Authentic Illustration of a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) visit

• “Helps point out bias in real situations”

• “I enjoyed the authenticity of the e-learning module and how real it felt.”

• “Raised awareness about challenging patients with obesity have in a clinical setting”

• “The videos provided excellent examples of bias in the clinical setting”

• “Realistic interactions”

• “I enjoyed that it was very representative of real-world scenarios”

4. Reflective

• “Very important topic especially for our outpatient population. Great to address and self-reflect on biases and how we present obesity related topics with our patients”

• “Very nice examples of implicit bias. Will help me address obesity with my clinic patients”

• “We all have biases that we need to be aware of.”

• “Used situations and statements by providers that seem like no one would say, but it makes a point that with reflection I know I have directly seen in clinic. Makes me reflect on interactions I have seen in clinic and my own interactions.”

What areas could be improved in the e-module?

1. Provide mitigation strategies

• “Include opportunities to learn strategies to overcome bias and improve patient care for patients with obesity”

• “Create video examples of what a positive patient experience looks like strategies”

• “I totally feel they don’t fully encapsulate the realities that providers may face when treating patients of any size that are chronically obese with little to no healthcare compliance i.e patient who says they have good blood sugar despite having an A1C of 10 and a glucose > 200”

• “Now that we are more aware of implicit bias & explicit bias, what resources are there to address the patient with obesity-include in E-module”

• “While it is critical to improve how we address obesity with our patients, there still are many instances when weight must be addressed to help our patients address their health. Would be helpful to provide more tips for these conversations when it is not biased, but good medical care, to help patients lose weight”

2. Increase Difficulty

• “More questions to dig deeper into bias”

• “While humorous, some of the dialogue was hyperbolic could be improved through making the ‘biased statements’" reflect subtle examples of bias.”