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Table 1 Inclusion and exclusion criteria for survey and interview participants

From: Supervision of redeployed surgical trainees during the COVID-19 pandemic: what have we learnt and how can we improve?




1. Redeployed surgical Trainees

Surgical trainee (CT1/ST1 to ST8) in full time training

Any surgical specialty

Redeployed for > 2 weeks

Redeployed to A&E, ICU, Acute medicine or COVID specific ward

Not in nationally accredited training programme

Part-time redeployment

2. Educational Supervisors of redeployed surgical trainees

ES of redeployed surgical trainee

ES appointed by Trust (Formal role)

Redeployed trainee in question must fulfil the criteria for inclusion

CS role only

3. Educational supervisors receiving redeployed surgical trainees to their departments

ES receiving redeployed trainee into your department

ES appointed by Trust (Formal role)

Redeployed trainee in question must fulfil the criteria for inclusion

CS role only