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Table 2 How the existing literature supports the learning strategies discovered in the present study

From: Nursing students’ learning strategies for e-learning during the Covid-19 pandemic in Iran: a qualitative study

Learning strategies identified in the present study

support by Existing literature

Self-centered learning strategies

Exploration (Searching the Internet, asking peers, asking teachers)

-greater willingness of students to ask peers and search the Internet than the strategy of asking teachers [19].

- shorter time to get answers by searching the internet and asking peers [19, 20].

Using evidence (Studying reference textbooks, studying relevant articles)

-Reference textbooks are rich educational resources [20].

-Students are able to obtain reliable knowledge and information through reference textbooks [20].

- Students can expand their knowledge through searching authentic educational articles [33].

Using educational media and tools (Attending educational webinars, using educational systems and software, using educational Telegram channels)

-Using webinars in combination with virtual simulators increase the involvement of nursing students in e-learning process and also their clinical reasoning [34].

- webinar and virtual simulators can simulate face to face education for students [35].

- Webinars allow professors to be in contact with their students simultaneously and directly, through audiovisual communication, and to provide them with immediate feedback [35].

- the possibility of forming discussion groups and educational channels with a very large number of members in Telegram, facilitate students’ access to educational resources and thereby help them learn better [36].

Using audio-visual resources (Watching educational videos, listening to narrated PowerPoint slides)

- approximately 75% of learning occurs through seeing and 13% through hearing [23].

- audio-visual teaching materials can help learners to reduce their learning time and retrieve information more efficiently [2].

- Educational videos and narrated PowerPoint slides enable students to learn anywhere and as many times as they wish [2].

Dedicating a place for studying

- students are satisfied with e-learning platforms when they use them in an environment that promotes e-learning [37].

- not learning in a structured and controlled environment when using e-learning, students need to structure their physical learning environment so that they are less distracted and can concentrate better [38].

Summarizing and note-taking

- The flexibility of e-learning methods can facilitate the learning of students who prefer to learn by writing and taking notes [20].

- summarizing helps students to retrieve essential information from among a multitude of educational materials in a relatively short period of time [39].

Reflection on the materials taught

- reflection and learning skills are important factors in the students’ acceptance of e-learning [40].

- Reflection plays a very important role in nursing students’ learning, and turning them into critical and autonomous nurses [41].


- using skimming as a reading technique by nursing students is associated with a better understanding of the material [42].

- skimming helps students to predict the purpose and the main idea of the text they are studying [43].

Individual role playing

- Role-playing is a fun and stimulating strategy for students [44].

- Role-playing allows students to step outside of their role as students and is associated with a better understanding of subjects due to the active role of the student in the learning process [44].

Collaborative learning strategies

Collaborative note-taking and pamphlet writing

- The students’ use of collaborative methods allows them to share their ideas with each other, divide responsibilities and devise plans. therefore, manage the workload more effectively [45].

Peer-to-peer teaching and learning

- In peer-to-peer education, students will be more at ease to ask questions and then get feedback [28].

- Peer explanations are more comprehensible and it is easier for students to acquire knowledge which is more durable [28].