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Table 3 Most Commonly Applied Codes to Focus Group Discussion

From: There’s no time for no stress! Exploring the relationship between pharmacy student stress and time use

Academic Time

Co-Curricular Time

Work for Pay

Social Time

Effective Coping

Ineffective Coping

1. Increased Stress

1. Increased Stress

1. Increased Stress

1. Decreased Stress

1. Decreased Stress

1. Increased Stress

2. Decreased Stress

2. COVID-19

2. Decreased Stress

2. Increased Stress

2. Physical Activity

2. Prioritization

3. Virtual Learning

3. Decreased Stress

3. Too Little Time

3. COVID-19

3. Personal Hobbies

3. Interaction with Media

4. COVID-19

4. Prioritization

4. Guilt Saying No

4. Contributing Personality Trait

4. Lack of Effective Stress Relief

4. Too Little Time