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Table 5 Assessment criteria for communication skills in OSCEs and assessment results in a pilot study

From: Objective structured clinical examination as a competency assessment tool of students’ readiness for advanced pharmacy practice experiences in South Korea: a pilot study

Detailed assessment criteria of communication skill

Performance rate of students with successful demonstrations of skill, mean (SD)

1. Perform a brief greeting and self-introduction

49.2 (18.9)

2. Use terms and expressions while considering the partner (patient or healthcare professional)’s capacity for understanding

83.3 (13.1)

3. Adhere to appropriate speech and an attitude that makes the partner feel comfortable

83.3 (13.7)*

4. Explain or answer with confidence

70.0 (17.0)*

5. Explain or respond with respect to the partner

94.6 (6.6)

6. Check if the partner understood or had any other questions

16.9 (15.4)

7. End the conversation properly

42.8 (29.2)


60.4 (31.6)

  1. *Statistically significant difference of the assessment results between professors and hospital/community pharmacists (p < 0.05 in chi-square or Fisher’s exact test)