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Table 2 Sample Open-ended Comments

From: Interactive Patient Safety and Quality Improvement capstone during transition-to-residency program: virtual and in-person focused workshop for EPA 13


  “Nice to work with people going into other specialties and to get their point of view as well”

 “Just as in real life, working with multiple people to approach the root of the problem helps you overcome your biases/potential misses of root issues as well as increases the amount of ideas/solutions/recommendations”

  “The case exercise was helpful in providing insight into the process from different points of view”


  “Very helpful to actually go through a root cause analysis. I've never done one before. “

  “Walking through an example of Root Cause Analysis that outlined multiple factors in patient complication.”

  “I also liked practicing with Situation, Background, Background, Recommendation (SBAR) as a communication tool.”

  “The real-life fish-bone diagram exercise was very helpful.”

Case & format

  “Having the students role play as members of the team was creative and more engaging

  “Practicing learning the principles using a real case”