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Table 2 Example of a TP working in direct patient care (graduate of 2019). The diabetic patient: personalized glucose regulation

From: Evaluation of the impact of technical physicians on improving individual patient care with technology

The TP runs an outpatient clinic and sees their own patients, this mainly concerns Type 1 diabetes patients (direct patient care). These patients often have glucose sensors and insulin pumps to control their insulin levels. The TP looks at how they can improve the patient’s treatment with these technologies and adjusts the equipment to optimize patient-specific and individualized care. Together with an internist and a nurse specialized in diabetic care, the TP ensures the correct treatment of the patient. The TP is part of a multidisciplinary team that plans treatments together for specific patients. Furthermore, the TP optimizes the treatment of all diabetic patients by exploring how the programming of glucose sensors and insulin pumps can be tailored to a specific patient (indirect patient care).

Case retrieved and adapted from