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Table 1 Description of TEDEI course

From: Evaluation of the Training in Early Detection for Early Intervention (TEDEI) e-learning course using Kirkpatrick’s method

TEDEI is a self-contained module delivered as structured guided asynchronous e-learning through brief online lectures. Following an introduction, the course provides a 7-step structure for infant assessment, which includes review in a variety of positions (e.g. supine; supported sitting), plus muscle tone, manual ability and vision. Following the principles of constructive alignment [15], the course and quiz are rich in video material, in line with the intended learning outcome of increasing recognition of atypical infant movements. Real-life (anonymised) quotes from parents, and infant videos, provide authenticity and contextualisation to prior clinical experiences, facilitating higher order thinking [16]. A simple “Traffic Light System” (Fig. 2) is used to decide for each scenario whether no action, further review or prompt referral is indicated. The course lasts around 2.5 hours and is divided into short sections which can be completed individually. Audio voice-overs and written transcripts facilitate a multimodal learning approach to suit a range of preferred learning styles.