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Table 2 STACEO Rules for online courses for faculty development in the health professions

From: A model for design of online health professions education faculty development courses in sub-Saharan Africa

Heuristics for online faculty development courses for health professions education


Systemic mechanisms exist to support online faculty development's successful planning, implementation, and sustainability


The technology used facilitates active discussion in a user-friendly and accessible environment


Online faculty development incorporates activities that facilitate the formation of a community of educators in which evidence of engagement and development of knowledge, skills and attitudes are prioritised


Well-trained facilitators apply their skills to facilitate constructive dialogue, create a feedback loop, and contribute to the online faculty development course design


Online faculty development courses follow a qualitative-dominant scholarly approach in design and evaluation to determine short- and long-term outcomes in participants


Online faculty development courses have measurable professional and personal development outcomes for facilitators and participants