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Table 7 Minor themes

From: What influences graduate medical students’ beliefs of lower back pain? A mixed methods cross sectional study


Quote [Participant ID]

Uncertainty around LBP

“more often than not, lower back pain seems to be a chronic issue without any confirmed aetiology.” [4.3]

“The management seems more about relieving the symptoms/pain than progressive improvement.” [1.9]

“my perception is these interventions are not effective for everyone and many people simply live with near constant lower back pain which is exacerbated at times.” [3]

“it seems like it’s a balance of pain medication, and perhaps physiotherapy exercises, with not much else of use.” [5.6]

Influence of previous degree

“Previous undergraduate education in osteopathy... I also had exposure to assessing many lower back pain patients and seeing the different causes [2.1]

“Knowledge & experience of supporting patients as a physiotherapist”[1.1]

“Previous degree as a physiotherapist” [2.3]

“the basis for most of my understanding about different types of pain management has stemmed from my Neuropsychiatry studies” [3.7]