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Table 4 Linear aegression analysis for STAI associated with SDS in students, [β (95% CI)]

From: Association of depression symptoms and sleep quality with state-trait anxiety in medical university students in Anhui Province, China: a mediation analysis




β(95% CI)

P value



0.49 (0.46,0.51)


Adjusted 1

0.48 (0.44,0.49)


Adjusted 2

0.48 (0.45,0.50)


  1. β beta coefficient, CI confidence interval, SDS Self-rating Depression Scale, STAI State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
  2. Adjusted 1: Adjusted for gender, age
  3. Adjusted 2: Adjusted for gender, age, major, ethnicity, only child, birthplace, closest relationship, education of closest relationship, education of mother, education of father, job of closest relationship, job of mother, job of father